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A solar system is a group of planets and other space material orbiting (going around) a star. In our solar system, that star is better known as the Sun and the planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, ...

Molecules, as you may already know, are groups of atoms bonded together. Water, or H2O, is a molecule made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The oxygen gas we inhale (O2) is a molecule made o ...

A lever is a type of simple machine where a rigid arm is arranged around a fixed point or fulcrum. Input, the force you put in, directed into an output force. The classic example of a lever is a seesa ...

Photosynthesis, you might remember, is the process in which plants convert light energy from the sun to chemical food energy. Brightly colored pigments in leaves are essential to the first steps of li ...

Did you know that the flies that buzz around your fruit bowl in the summer time have made huge contributions to science? A lot of what we’ve learned about genetics and chromosomes was first discovered ...

What causes the seasons to change? The first answer many people give when asked why the Earth gets cold in the winter and warm in the summer is because the Earth’s distance from the sun can vary durin ...

Heat energy is constantly being transferred from one substance to another. Heat energy always moves from the hotter material to the colder material. When you hold an ice cube, it might feel like the c ...

You might have heard of the difficulties divers face when they descend into the ocean depths. Before a person can scuba dive, she needs to have many hours of instruction and training. Divers can exper ...

In those rare moments when we actually think about the air around us, we typically think of the oxygen that allows us to breathe. But did you know that oxygen makes up only 21% of the Earth’s atmosphe ...

When you were a toddler, you might have insisted on eating only one color of M&Ms because “Green tastes the best.” After some experimentation, you probably realized that the food coloring in M&Ms and ...